The stages of development of architecture and observance of architectural heritage in the Republic of Armenia


  • Martin Harutyunyan Institute of Arts of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Armenia



There are a lot of scientific and research reports dedicated to Armenian architecture from the ancient times to nowadays. There are many interesting and thoroughly researched reports of architectural and historical value done by not only Armenian but also foreign historians, architects, and engineers. Exploring Armenian architecture’s chronology and research reports, we noticed that after independence of the Republic of Armenia (since 1991) there are few scientific reports which include the stages of development of architecture of newly independent Armenia, the current state of the architectural heritage and their observance. So we decided to study that period trying to show the problems and essential events as well as to introduce that period by the stages of development also including some examples of architectural heritage.



How to Cite

M. Harutyunyan, “The stages of development of architecture and observance of architectural heritage in the Republic of Armenia”, Sustainable Engineering and Innovation, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 217-226, Dec. 2022.


