Multi resonance patch antenna with multiple slits


  • Merjem Begovic International University of Sarajevo
  • Şehabeddin Taha İmeci International University of Sarajevo



In this paper, we have presented a new design of a multi resonance patch antenna with multiple slits. Slits are located on the three sides of the designed antenna. It is simulated in a planar 3D electromagnetic simulation program, called Sonnet Software, designed on the Aluminum (96%) substrate and operates at three frequencies with reflection coefficient (S11) values lower than -10 dB. Values for the operating frequencies are 4.14, 5.52, 9.24 GHz. Electric field theta polarized gains for these three frequencies are; 8.09, 8.35, and 8.39 dBs respectively. Cross polarization levels are well below -10 dB. A parametric study was conducted by changing the gap size and the dielectric thickness. As a result of the parametric study, it is seen that fabrication tolerances of the antenna are good enough.



How to Cite

M. Begovic and Şehabeddin T. İmeci, “Multi resonance patch antenna with multiple slits”, Sustainable Engineering and Innovation, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 119-125, Jul. 2020.


